We're open Tuesday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Target group: Grades 7-9 and high school students, special-interest groups

Programme length: 120 min 

Cost: CZK 100/participant (workshop only) or CZK 160/participant (including exhibition admission)

This educational programme must be ordered at least two weeks in advance.

Reservations and other information: schools@dox.cz, +420 295 568 104

DOX Centre for Contemporary Art
Poupětova 1, Prague 7
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An educational programme concerning the psychological term mindset.

Are my abilities inherited? Do my own mistakes keep me from trying again? Or can I exceed my limits? This educational programme, which uses the methodology of Professor Philip Zimbardo’s Heroic Imagination Project, looks to answer the question of how we can change someone’s mental abilities, which up to now were considered to be largely inherent. Contemporary psychology, which has introduced the term mindset, deals with two types: fixed and growth. The difference between the two is crucial to our ability to learn. People with a fixed mindset don’t like challenges, and prefer to work on tasks within their abilities. People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, see challenges as an opportunity for development, which is why they are much better at fulfilling their true potential. 

A fixed or growth mindset affects various aspects of our lives, including logical thinking, social skills, and artistic creativity. The educational programme first familiarizes students with the fact that something like a fixed and growth mindset exists; through various activities it allows them to discover areas in which they have a fixed mindset and in which a growth mindset, confronts them with challenges that force them to take responsibility for themselves and confront their own thinking. Students will experience first-hand that despite our inborn tendencies, we are capable of changing during the course of our lives.